(If you do not see the Give Online Now form below, please reload the page by clicking on your browser’s Reload button, or by pressing Ctrl+R on your desktop keyboard.)

A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
— Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

You may make a tax-deductible contribution to our church and our ministries at any time by mailing your check or money order (payable to: Mission Community United Methodist Church, must be the full church name) to us. For your convenience, to help facilitate your giving, we are also accepting your contributions online using the easyTithe giving platform.

To give online, please use the following online form. (If the online form on the left - or at the top of the page for mobile - does not load, please reload the page by clicking on your browser’s Reload button, or by pressing Ctrl+R on your desktop keyboard.)

(Please note: In order to make a recurring contribution, you must register and create an account using your phone number or e-mail address! Click on SIGN IN at the top, and click CREATE ONE at the bottom, next to “Don’t have a giving account?”)

You may also make a contribution by texting GIVE using your smartphone to the following number: 626.406.2629 and tapping on the link in the text message that is sent to you, or by tapping on the notification popup once you scan the following QR code using your mobile device’s camera app:

Scan me using your phone!

You may also scan the following QR code using your mobile device’s camera app and tap on the notification popup to access our online giving form.

Thank you for your generosity!