Fourth Sunday After Epiphany 1.30.22 - Order Of Worship
1.30.22 10:30 AM
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 607 990 439
Meeting Teleconferencing Number: (301) 715-8592
Welcome & Announcements
Please continue to pray for Rev. Joseph Oh’s recovery and for Rev. Deborah Oh’s family
Also please pray for Rudy Mabutas (Conchita, Senena’s brother-in-law)
Take Time To Be Holy (395)
Call To Worship
Liturgist: Gentle, yet powerful. Lowly, yet almighty. Shepherd, yet King.
In Your gentleness, guide us. In Your power, strengthen us.
Congregation: In Your lowliness, strip from us our selfish pride which only destroys us.
L: In Your greatness, lift us up that we might aspire to greater things.
C: As a shepherd, call us to be Your servants.
L: As a King, call us to be Your royal priesthood.
C: O God, who is our Shepherd and our King; O Christ, who was crucified and is now risen from the dead;
L: O Spirit, who comforts and empowers;
All: O great One in Three, Holy Trinity, this hour, set us free to worship. Amen.
Opening Prayer
All: O God who is greater than the most powerful forces in this world, enable us to be still and know that You are God. O Lord who answers out of the whirlwind of everyday life, breathe in us Your Holy Spirit to strengthen, comfort, and guide us in the midst of the storm. O still, small voice, speak to us this hour, that we might become makers of Your peace in our homes, in our communities, in our world. We pray all this in the name of the One who calmed the raging sea. Amen.
He Is Exalted
Good, Good Father
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor John Oh
Invitation To Offering
Liturgist (Melinda Songco)
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Musical Offering
Above All
Piano: Nathan Stephens
We Are An Offering
*Prayer Of Dedication
*Prayer For Illumination
Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV)
1 It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.”
2 And He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
3 ‘Give us each day our daily bread.
4 ‘And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.’”
9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
Special Music
Thank You
Juancho Borja
Today’s Message
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven
Rev. Deborah Oh
Consecration Praise
Prayers Of Intercession
P: To God, who welcomes all in love, let us pray for the good of the church, and the concerns of all in need.
C: Lord, hear our prayer.
*Closing Prayer
All: God of every land and nation, we lift up to You all the cries of Your people here in this place and all around the world. We commit to praying to You unceasingly as we praise Your faithfulness, giving thanks for Your mercy, and seeking Your joy. Thank You for creating us and giving us life and breath today. Thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, and for the Holy Spirit, whose presence here unites us as Your people. Fill us with Your peace today. Amen.
Closing Hymn
Lord’s Prayer (270)
Rev. Deborah Oh
Trust And Obey (467)
*(Please stand as able, in body or in spirit)